onsdag 31 januari 2018

What version is this?

Everybody hates versioning. Everybody.

You can easily tell this by the fact that nobody does it unless forced to do so, and mostly not even then.

There is a long and very boring Wikipedia-page about versioning but let me sum it up for you without ever having read it. Your software should have a version number in a format like this:


Swap build and revision if you like, or disregard them altogether, but keep your major and minor versions consistent! However, there have never been a program that follows this scheme successfully over several versions during it's existence. Let me give some examples:

Windows 10 Version 1709 is version 10.0.16299.192. Windows 8 is version 6.

Java Development Kit 7 for Java 7 is not version 7 but

Two different and incompatible ocx-files with the same name and version, from the last century but somehow still in use in some programs today. That is good work, mr McMahon, but you obviously hate versioning as much as everyone else!

This office plugin is either version 10 or version 1.0.10 depending on who you ask. About Office; Office 2003 is version 11, Office 2007 is version 12, 2010 is version 14. I see what you did there, Microsoft, you don't want any bad luck! But how the hell am I supposed to remember that version 15 is Office 2013? Finally version 16 is actually Office 2016, but then again, Office 365 is ALSO version 16!

Some of the many, many, many vc-redists required, it quickly becomes ridiculous. When you get an error and the Event viewer tells you that Microsoft.VC80.MFC is missing, you immediately know you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable, don't you?

I think I got my point across.

Happy versioning!

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